Uttara University’s Bliss and Welfare Club and Prevalent Pharmaceuticals organized a class on cervical cancer inoculation and mindfulness on Wednesday (May 29).


In addition,

free wellbeing check-up services were provided to college students, instructors, and authorities throughout the campus.

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The workshop began with a welcome discourse by club president Md—Tajbiul Hasan, which club consultant Farah Dolan conducted. The keynote speaker is Dr. Shaheen Lipika Qayyum, head of the Office of Drug Store at the Workforce of Conventional Medication and teacher. The specialist examined cervical cancer in detail. Getting the list. Club consultant and clinical analyst Abu Zahid Hasan Neel said in his discourse, “Mindfulness is the thing to begin with the antidote.”


They were written by Teacher Dr. Yasmin Ara, Bad Habit Chancellor of Uttara College.

The ceremony was also attended by the college treasurer, Teacher Hosnia Bashirullah, Executive of Understudy Undertakings, instructors from different divisions, understudies, and regarded agents of Prevalent Pharmaceutical Company.


The nearness of Mr. Iftekharul Islam, BPM, PPM, Extra Appointee Commissioner of Dhaka City Police, as an extraordinary visitor and speaker enhanced the course.

In his discourse,

he encouraged female individuals of the family to consider their physical and mental health uncommonly.


Vice President Teacher Dr. Yasmin Ara thanked Prevalent Pharma and Joy and Wellbeing Club for the activity and said, “Such activities will play a vital part in making individuals mindful of wellbeing, particularly women’s wellbeing. We thank our recognized visitors and Well-known Pharmaceuticals for supporting this activity.” Tell me.”


Jaber permitted the Imam to lead supplications and examination proceeds.

Jaber permitted Imam to lead supplications, and the examination continued.

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It is known that the conference of Rajshahi College

Dr. Zaira Rashid, an agent of a well-known Pharmaceutical business company, says that “each lady ought to get this immunization at least once in her life.”


The Bliss and Prosperity Club of Uttara College is committed to persistently improving the mental and physical wellbeing of the university’s students, instructors, directors, and staff.

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